
Roz Jacobs is a New York City-based painter who lives part of the year in her home in southwestern France. In her New York studio Roz Jacobs is currently working on a series of paintings and works on paper based on Ingres' "The Turkish Bath." In France she paints landscapes, villages and marketplaces en plein air, in daylight and moonlight. One of a growing number of international artists living and working in the Quercy region, Rosalyn has exhibited in galleries and museums in the United States, France, England, Israel, Germany, Russia and Japan. Two of her French marketplace paintings were exhibited in the American Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya as a part of the Art in Embassies Program of the U.S. State Department.

Rosalyn began her formal study of art at Binghamton University under the tutelage of Charles Eldred and Linda Sokolowski. Later her primary influence was Norman Raeben who taught at Carnegie Hall Studios. Raeben studied with American artists Robert Henri, George Luks and John Sloan and was the youngest son of the much-loved Yiddish writer Sholom Aleichem. With roots in European painting, the American Ashcan School and Modern Masters Jacobs re-invents traditional forms with a personal and painterly vernacular.